
Hello Everyone and welcome to our January newsletter. Audio File

 Happy New Year! 

I wish you health and happiness in the coming year.  As I start my second year as your VIP chair, I’m asking for a member to think about joining me in a vice chair position.  The only requirement would be that you are visually impaired as well, and you would like to help me serve our members.  If you are interested, please reach out to me at 386-867-0284 or you may email me at

Hello everyone!  I hope to see all of you at our January 2nd meeting,1:00pm at our Bridgeport Recreation Center location.  This month’s speaker will be Dr.  Danielle Rosier, audiologist with True Ear Inc. 

Wanted to give a shout out to the family-owned restaurant that provided us with a wonderful holiday meal.  Their name is Artman’s BBQ.  They’re right on County Road 42 next to the railroad tracks and 301.  

Our Christmas Bingo Party was a huge success! 


Jan.  2:  Monthly meeting Bridgeport Rec Center 1:00pm

Jan.  9:   Cruise meeting Laurel Manor 1:00pm

(No Game Day in January)

Jan.  11:  VIP Golf 

Jan. 15:  Spousal Support Group meeting Bridgeport Rec Center 3:00pm in the lobby

Jan. 20:  Monthly meeting Ezell Rec Center 1:00pm

Jan. 22:  Fun bowling at Fiesta Bowl 3:00pm

Calling all cruisers!

On Jan. 9th we will have a meet and greet for all those who are joining us on the March cruise.  Please plan on coming to Laurel Manor at 1:00pm.  This will give us a chance to meet each other prior to the cruise.  We’re also signing up for the bus transportation on this date.  The cost of the bus will be $45 per person.  Please bring a check made out to the VIPs or cash to this meeting to reserve your seat.  The bus will hold 56 people.  If you are unable to make this meeting and want to reserve a spot, you must call me at 386-867-0284 ahead of the Jan. 9th meeting.  

There is still time to sign up for our 2025 cruise.  It is open to all VIPs, family and friends. If you are interested in joining us on our 7-night cruise on the Celebrity Equinox leaving Port Canaveral on March 22nd and returning on March 29thplease reach out to me by email at  You can call or text at 386-867-0284.

The spousal support group will be meeting the third Wednesday in January, which is the 15th, at Bridgeport Recreation Center at 3:00pm.  Please meet in the lobby.  For any questions please call Joyce at 941-661-4108.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Feb. 22nd at Eisenhower Rec Center.  We will have our yearly Vision Expo with lots of vendors, doctors and a great speaker.  Doors open at 9:45 till 2:00pm.

In the event that you should miss a meeting with a guest speaker they are available in audio on our website.  Please check us out at

The Sumter Lions are collecting aluminum cans and old eyeglasses.   If you have any that you would like to donate, please bring them to our meetings.

Happy Holidays from the Eastport Lions Club!  We had a great turnout for our bingo at Ezell in December.  I’m looking forward to more games this coming year.  Will keep you posted.  Until then, Lion Charlie.

John Thomson from Lake Sumter Lions invites all VIP golfers to come out on the second Saturday of each month to partner with one of the Lions for a round of golf.  For more info call John at 352-250-6104.

Did you know that we partner with New Vision for Independence and all of the resources that are available to us as visually impaired persons?  They offer training in all areas for independent living as well as the opportunity to exercise with them over the phone or play games.  

Lisa will be coming to our meetings every month and is glad to assist us with any questions we may have.  You can also reach her by calling New Vision at 352-607- 7607.  

Starting in January, New Vision for Independence will be visiting us on a monthly basis with mini classes of eating healthy given by Lisa.  We are so excited to partner with them!  

Melinda Zeman

VIP Chairperson and leader of the Bridgeport meeting



Third Monday Ezell Group
Audio file also available

January Newsletter

Our January program is Charles Kantor with Seniors vs Crimes. This very successful program, sponsored by the Florida Attorney General’s office, uses local volunteers to provide assistance to seniors. Charlie will provide information on what type of issues they deal with and how to contact them if you are having a problem.

Charlie from the Eastport Lions wants to remind you that he will have VIP t-Shirts the day of the meeting. They are $10.

We also want to remind you about all of the programs offered by New Visions for Independence. They are our go-to local agency for support. You can reach them at 352-607-7607. Or check out their website at

Caring Neighbors has added additional Villages to their list of neighborhood groups that can help residents within those neighborhoods. Check out their website at

Remember the VIP Group has two meetings each month, Ezell and Bridgeport. We appreciate your participation in the 50/50 drawings at both our meetings. It’s a great way to financially support the VIP Support Group!

In addition to the two monthly VIP meetings, there are a number of other activities that you may be interested in.

There is a VIP spousal support group. The next meeting is Wednesday, January 15th, at Bridgeport Recreation Center at 3:00pm. For more info call Joyce Isaacson: 941-661-4108. 

VIP Game day is the second Thursday of each month at Laurel Manor 1pm. to 3pm.

VIP Bowling is the 4th Wednesday of each month at Fiesta Bowl in Spanish Springs from 3 to 5pm. There’s always a plan to get together for dinner afterward. Contact Al Sessa: 908-812-6523 for more information.

Golf for VIPs with the Lake Sumter Lions. For more information callJohn Thomson: 352-259-6104.

Please make sure you put The Vision Awareness Day Expo on your calendar. The Date is Saturday February 22nd, at Eisenhower Recreation Center, 10am until 2pm.

VIP CRUISE 2025, MARCH 22-29 2025. For all the details call Melinda: 386-867-0284. Come and join the FUN!!

Hope to see you at the Ezell Monday January 20th meeting.

Donna Evans, leader of the VIP Ezell meeting Call or text: 352-391-4586

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